It’s better to see something once than to hear about it thousand times. A school trip is the most wonderful treasure for the students. We were accorded with this opportunity to visit the Sky Jumper, Trampoline Park, Jalandhar by our trailblazers , Sr. Shanthi D’Souza, The Principal and Sr Sabina Oliveira, The Vice Principal. This trip was organised for grade 1 & 2 on 3rd October 2023. The students were accompanied by Sr Sabina Oliveira, Sr Justinian and the teachers. We reached the trampoline park at 10am and had a gala time for next couple of hours. Students were served with scrumptious food there. After spending quality time we arrived back to school at 3:30 pm.
It was an amazing trip! We are forever grateful for the new experiences and memories we made.