Sacred Heart Convent International School celebrated Earth Day with great enthusiasm, inviting Ms. Sukhpreet Kaur, Ms. Gurpreet Kaur, Ms. Amandeep Kaur, and Ms. Anju Chhabra Bagga from Eco Sikh as resource persons.
Ms. Gurpreet enlightened the students of grades 1-3 about the negative effects of pollution and recited a beautiful poem on the significance of trees. Students pledged to care for the earth and participated in a pledge activity. Ms. Bagga made the students of grades 4-5 aware regarding the harmful effects of using plastics and promoted tree planting and water conservation. The Globe pin-up activity allowed students to post their environmental conservation thoughts on colourful hearts. Ms. Sukhpreet Kaur provided tips on conserving the earth to students of grades 6-11, and emphasised the importance of practicing the three R’s- Reduce, Recycle &Reuse.
The Earth Day celebration rekindled emotive concerns and instigated the youngsters to save, love and respect Mother Nature with all their heart and soul.